HR Professional (Certificate in Human Resources)
Start Date | End Date | Venue | Fees (US $) | ||
HR Professional (Certificate in Human Resources) | 17 Nov 2024 | 21 Nov 2024 | Dubai, UAE | $ 3,900 | Register |
HR Professional (Certificate in Human Resources)
Start Date | End Date | Venue | Fees (US $) | |
HR Professional (Certificate in Human Resources) | 17 Nov 2024 | 21 Nov 2024 | Dubai, UAE | $ 3,900 |
The HR function has to be the bridge between the workforce and the organisation. It also has to be the eyes, ears and sometimes the conscience of the organisation. This training course will show you how to build that bridge and how to create an HR function that meets the needs of employees and the organisation.
This training course will feature:
- The essential component parts of an effective HR (or Personnel) function
- Ideas for developing the function beyond the essential parts
- The distinctions between the role of line supervisors/managers and the HR function
- Who does what for example with
- Handling change
- Recruitment
- Handling performance issues
- Use of disciplinary procedure
- The application of the theory of the Psychological Contract (how to get the best from the workforce)
- Describe the role or purpose of the HR function and the contribution the HR function makes to the achievement of organisational goals
- Explain the key principles and practices involved in
- HR strategy
- Recruitment and Selection
- Induction
- Retention
- Employee Relations
- Apply an effective performance management process
- Understand and use competencies for recruitment and performance management
- Know how to handle the disciplinary issue
By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
Training Methodology
The Document Control Specialist is endorsed by ILM. Any participant who will attend for 12 Hours will get ILM certificate (Development Program). The primary objective of our training is to ensure that the knowledge acquired is applied successfully, adding real value and making a visible difference to work performance in the business environment. The courses have a strong focus on an outcomes-based approach and are facilitated on a highly interactive basis encouraging active delegate participation using:
- Role-plays
- Break-away sessions
- Relevant business exercises
- Presentations
- Demonstrations
- Discussion activities and Case studies
- A pre-course Communication Styles questionnaire.
- A printed workbook with tips, techniques, and space for personal notes
High emphasis is placed on learning through ‘doing’ where learners are presented with real-life and workplace case studies ensuring delegates develop knowledge and confidence to take their enhanced skills back into the business environment and apply them successfully. The group leaders are trained to create a comfortable atmosphere where delegates can evaluate themselves and their skills, generate ideas and solutions to problems and plan suitable growth in the workplace.
Who Should Attend?
The training course is intended for:
- Those acquiring responsibility for the HR or Personnel Function
- HR or Personnel Generalists
- Specialists returning to, or moving to, a generalist role
- Established HR Professionals wishing to obtain new ideas
- Newly appointed HR professionals
- Those who wish to improve their knowledge of professional HR
Course Outline
Day 1: HR as part of the Business
Competency Description: It is essential for an HR department to be a strategic influence over the business not an administrative function. This means that an HR professional must be aware of the needs of the business. This, in turn, requires an understanding of the socio-economic issues in your market place.
Key Behaviours:
- Business Awareness - understanding the key business issues that affect the profitability and growth of the organisation.
- Market Awareness - Understands external forces and pressures in the wider environment. Understands how these impact on the organisation and the market place
- Strategic Thinking - turning strategic thinking into effective, delivered actions
- Capability Development – prepared to invest in own development not just rely on external input
- Change Leadership – recognises change as an opportunity
Topics to be covered:
- Understanding the context
- Establishing the Socio-Economic developments
- Creating an HR department that lives the organisation’s brand values and HR and Culture
- Change management practices – changing the shape of the change curve
- Business awareness for HR professionals
Day 2: The Component Parts of the HR Function
Competency Description: Establishing the expectations of the line management team. Finding the balance between the contribution made by line management and that made by HR. Creating an effective role for HR in the key functional areas.
Key Behaviours:
- Interpersonal Understanding - Displays a range of active listening and questioning skills
- Reads individual and group behaviours
- Capability Development - Identifies capability required to implement future strategies successfully
- Relationship Building – takes an interest in others can see the perspective of others
- Teamwork – able to work as a member of a team even in circumstances where there is no direct self interest
- Organisational Awareness – able to contribute to the success of the organisation as a whole
Topics to be covered:
- Recruitment and Selection – avoiding the common mistakes
- Using Competencies; establishing positive and negative descriptors within competencies
- Asking competency-based questions
- Matching Induction to Recruitment
- The role of the Employee Relations function within HR
- Handling Disciplinary and Grievance Issues – case studies
Day 3: Refinements
Competency Description: Creating the practices that develop the contribution of the HR function. Developing the policies to support best practice. Making it happen for real.
Key Behaviours
- Building - establishing relationships with others inside and outside the Organ Partnership station which are constructive and which facilitate the delivery of Organisation objectives.
- Capability Development – respects and harnesses dissimilarity
- Diversity Awareness - Actively challenges intolerant and/or insensitive actions or behaviours in the workplace
- Performance through People - obtains high levels of performance from own team and contribute to high levels of performance amongst organisation as a whole
- Achievement Orientation - Identifies measures for evaluating goal achievement and ensures that these are understood
Topics to be covered:
- Making the links to precedent
- The HR department and labour law
- Developing Employee Relations policy to respond to socio-economic conditions
- Understanding Equality Diversity and Discrimination
- Case studies and policy implications
- How to design and implement a performance management system that impacts on the whole organisation
Day 4: The Psychological Contract
Competency Description: Creating the conditions in which all employees can give their best. Finding the balance between employee’s rights and obligations. Understanding ambition; the need for career planning and personal development.
Key Behaviours:
- Organisational Awareness – understands the culture of the organisation
- Empowerment - Exercises judgment over the capability of individuals, recognising variations in ability and potential
- Capability Development – actively pursues development opportunities for staff
- Capability Development - Sees the importance of development to the future of the Organisation and appropriately supports and/or develops policy initiatives
- Planning and Organising – able to establish efficiently an appropriate course of action for self and/or others to accomplish a goal or goals
Topics to be covered:
- Becoming an Employer of Choice
- Policies to create job satisfaction,
- Practices to Improve Retention
- Identifying the Key Players
- Succession Planning and matching performance with potential
- Developing a Continuous Learning Culture
Day 5: The Way Forward
Competency Description: Moving forward into the new roles for HR professionals. Developing the role of the manager. Changing the nature of HR to reflect the new reality.
Key Behaviours:
- Results Focus - able to see the importance of results be motivated about the achievement of results and to take the action necessary to achieve those results in the short and longer terms
- Leadership - able to use personal skills to guide individuals and/or groups towards achieving individual, group or organisation goals
- Relationship Building – builds win-win relationships
- Impact and Influence - able to persuade and influence others, taking the needs of others and the situation into account
- Integrity – is able to take actions based on own judgment
Topics to be covered:
- Understanding Motivation and avoiding a simplistic approach
- Where pay and reward fit with motivation
- The Messages for Leaders
- Evolution of HR from Tactical to Strategic
- Employee Relationship Management
- The personal skills needed for the new roles
- Influencing Skills
- Managing Conflict
- Assertiveness
Professional Recognition & Accreditations
We are recognised Provider by the UK based (ILM) As a Recognised Provider of ILM, and we meet the quality assurance criteria of ILM to deliver application-based leadership and management programs that meet international standards and professional benchmarks.