Assessment Solutions
Aptitude Testing
Aptitude testing is widely acknowledged to be one of the most successful methods of predicting an individual’s success within a role, for both job applicants and succession planning. Our Aptitude tests increase the likelihood of selecting the best person for the job, and provide an objective and standardised approach to reduce bias in the selection process. These tests filter out candidates earlier in the recruitment process, reducing costs, and can be used to identify strengths and development needs for current employees.
Benefits :
- Increases the likelihood of selecting the best person for the role
- The objective and standardised approach reduces bias in the selection process
- Costs are reduced, as they can help filter out poorer candidates at an earlier stage
- Can be used to identify strengths and development needs for current employees

We offer a wide range of Aptitude tests suitable for a broad range of recruitment and development needs, with tests costing between $10 - $15 (10 credits) to administer. Please see .below for a guide to the Aptitude tests available
To complement our suite of Aptitude tests, The Psychometric Portal® enables you to confirm that a candidate’s Aptitude test results are an accurate representation of their ability. Our Validate process significantly reduces the likelihood that candidates get through the selection process if they have received help when completing Aptitude tests. By testing a candidate on a sample of the most difficult questions that they answered correctly in their initial Aptitude test, Validate eliminates the need to make them sit an entire test all over again - only a few minutes are required to accurately indicate whether a candidate has received help.
Validate results are shown alongside the initial Aptitude test results for quick reference, and including Validate results in an Aptitude test report costs between $5 - $8 (5 credits) per test.
Personality Profiling
Whether you are looking to complement your existing psychometric portfolio or introduce profiling to your organisation for the first time, you will find that our cost-effective pricing (no licence fees or lock-in contracts) together with great customer service is hard to beat.
This has helped make The Quest Profiler® one of the fastest-growing personality questionnaires in the UK, used for both selection and development by some of Britain’s biggest companies. Many organisations still rely on interviews to assess behavioural characteristics, but all too often this is done in a less than standardised and objective manner. Additionally, whilst the interview process can be excellent at measuring competencies such as oral communication skills, it is less reliable at predicting many other important factors of behaviour.
From inviting participants to complete The Quest Profiler®, to running off their personality reports, using The Psychometric Portal® is incredibly easy and is extremely well-suited for the recruitment and development of both individual participants and larger groups of candidates.

The Quest Profiler® measures a wide variety of personality traits, styles, and competencies including:
- 24 Behavioural Preferences
- Leadership Styles/Team Styles
- Culture Match Indicators
- 20 Competencies
- Competency Based Interview Questions and Behavioural Matrices
- Tailored Development Interventions
- Sales Report
- Conflict Styles
- Jungian Type Profile
- Emotional Intelligence
Three levels of personality reports are available using The Quest Profiler®: Standard, Full, and Premium reports. These reports have varying levels of content, and vary in cost accordingly. The price of a report depends on how many credits have been purchased in advance, and for convenience minimum and maximum prices are shown below. For Matrix reports (scores only), please see Job Analysis and Matching.

Culture & Engagement
Whether you are looking to complement your existing psychometric portfolio or introduce profiling to your organisation for the first time, you will find that our cost-effective pricing (no licence fees or lock-in contracts) together with great customer service is hard to beat.
This has helped make The Quest Profiler® one of the fastest-growing personality questionnaires in the UK, used for both selection and development by some of Britain’s biggest companies. Many organisations still rely on interviews to assess behavioural characteristics, but all too often this is done in a less than standardised and objective manner. Additionally, whilst the interview process can be excellent at measuring competencies such as oral communication skills, it is less reliable at predicting many other important factors of behaviour.
From inviting participants to complete The Quest Profiler®, to running off their personality reports, using The Psychometric Portal® is incredibly easy and is extremely well-suited for the recruitment and development of both individual participants and larger groups of candidates.
Benefits :
- Provides a structured framework for understanding, interpreting and managing corporate culture, values and engagement
- Establishes a platform for decision making and future action planning
- Completely customisable, at no extra cost
- Allows you to benchmark your results against other organisations of your size, geographic region and business sector
Applications of Culture & Engagement :
- Guiding the development and/or implementation of corporate strategy and change
- Evaluating the effectiveness of specific strategic initiatives
- Highlighting differences (and potential conflicts) between different groups of staff (e.g. managers and direct reports, different functions, geographically dispersed units)
- Assessing the potential and actual impact of mergers and acquisitions
- Clarifying the context for personnel decision making and action planning (e.g. increasing attraction, clarifying selection, enhancing training, reducing staff turnover, managing redundancy)
Areas Measured by Culture & Engagement :

It is not until you have identified your organisation's strengths and development needs that you can create an effective solution that will form a solid foundation for the future.
Culture & Engagement provides you with the foundation stone for change in your organisation and is a real catalyst for improving business performance. It is completely customisable, at no extra cost, and allows you to benchmark your results against organisations based on their size, geographic region and business sector.

360° Assessment
threesixty° looks at specific aspects of people's working behaviour, such as their people management, team working or interpersonal style, with a view to improving it. It is based on objective data gathered from people who are well positioned to observe the individual at work - typically their own staff, peers and manager. Feedback, whilst completely anonymous, is therefore very specific, meaningful and powerful.
- Select from a bank of questionnaires and 40 pre-designed competencies, or create your own
- All aspects of threesixtyo are fully customisable
- Sophisticated development narrative - our threesixtyo tool identifies solutions as well as issues
- No hidden costs - you only pay for the output reports

The questionnaires used by threesixtyo are completely customisable, and can be created in several ways:
- Add your own sets of competencies and behaviours
- Select from a bank of 40 tried and tested competencies, designed by our chartered psychologists
- Choose from one of our questionnaires, pre-designed for a wide range of roles
- Any combination of the above
In addition to completely customisable questionnaires and competencies, threesixtyo allows you to define bespoke relationships between the focus of an assessment and their reviewers. Strengths and potential development needs can easily be identified for any competency using a range of intuitive summary charts, shown below.

Job Analysis
Our revolutionary Job Analysis tools allow you to identify the key requirements of a particular role by generating an Ideal Role Profile. The crucial competencies and behaviours for your role can be automatically identified with our Job Analysis questionnaire, or you may design a bespoke Ideal Role Profile by picking your own mix of behaviours and competencies. Analysing your requirements using our Job Analysis questionnaire is priced very reasonably, between $40 - $70 (46 credits), while creating a bespoke Ideal Role Profile is entirely free. A selection of Competency Based Interview questions can also be generated for the scales which have been identified as important to the role for only $10 - $16 (10 credits).
- Identify the behaviours and competencies which are important to a role, and compare them to The Quest Profiler® or Job Match Matrix reports
- Generate a range of Competency Based Interview questions and probes to help structure and guide your interviews when recruiting for a role
- Create an Ideal Role Profile using our revolutionary Job Analysis questionnaire, or pick your own combination of behaviours and competencies at no cost

Three levels of personality reports are available using The Quest Profiler®: Standard, Full, and Premium reports. These reports have varying levels of content, and vary in cost accordingly. The price of a report depends on how many credits have been purchased in advance, and for convenience minimum and maximum prices are shown below. For Matrix reports (scores only), please see Job Analysis and Matching.

Job Match
Our Job Match tools are ideal for the identification of areas to probe at interview, for candidate sifting during the recruitment process, or for the identification of training and development needs. By matching candidates against the key requirements of an Ideal Role Profile, you can easily identify development needs and sift applicants. Job Match can be applied to both The Quest Profiler® and the Job Match Matrix reports.
The Quest Profiler®
When matching individual participants, The Quest Profiler® reports can be compared to an Ideal Role Profile of your choosing. Competencies and behaviours which have been identified as crucial are highlighted in the report.
Job Match Matrix
When matching multiple participants, the Job Match Matrix report will allow you to compare their competencies and behaviours against your chosen Ideal Role Profile. The Job Match Matrix also provides an extremely useful overall Match Score, allowing you to better sift and select applicants or identify training and development needs.